Text Tools Panel |
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- Font: it selects the font type. The drop down menu shows only the web-safe font, that are widely popular and accepted by most email clients.
- Font size: it determines the font size. Choose a value from the list or manually enter a number between 1 and 99.
- Bold: it applies the bold style to the selected text.
- Italic: it applies the italic style to the selected text.
- Underline: it applies the underline style to the selected text.
- Strikethrough: it applies the
strikeout styleto the selected text. - Text Color: it defines the text color.
- Background color: it defines the background color.
- Remove Formatting: it removes all effects from the selected text.
- Increase Indentation: it adds 10 pixels of paragraph indentation to the left.
- Decrease Indentation: it take off 10 pixels of paragraph indentation.
- Numbering: it applies numbering to the selected paragraph.
- Bullet points: it applies bullet points to the selected paragraph.
- Line height: it changes the line spacing between lines.
- Align Full: it full align the paragraph.
- Align Left: it aligns the paragraph to the left.
- Align Center: it aligns the paragraph to the center.
- Align Right: it aligns the paragraph to the right.
- Link: it inserts or deletes a hyperlink. See also link to more informations.
- Copy Text: it copies the selected text.
- Paste Text: it pastes the text previously copied.
- Save to Library: it saves the selected text in the text library.
- Delete text: it deletes the selected text. If you do not select any text, the whole paragraph under the cursor will be deleted.
- Undo: Undo the latest changes. By moving the mouse over the icon you will read the action that will be undo.
- Repeat changes: it repeats the most recent deleting actions.
- Reduce: Decrease zoom up to 25%
- Zoom: Zoom in up to 500%.
See also
Image tools panel
Button tools panel
Social set toolbox
Cell tools panel
Block tools panel
Edit link