Button Tools Panel |
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- Edit button: it opens the button settings, where you can edit the properties of the selected button.
- Edit link: it allows to insert a link into the button or to edit an existing one.
- Copy-style: it copies one or more styles in a selected button, and quickly apply them to other button. There are 5 copy options:
- Copy all: it copies in one click the whole styles applied to borders, margins and background of the button
- Only borders: it just copies the borders style of the button
- Only margins: it just copies the margins style of the button
- Only background: it just copies the background style of the button
- Only font and text effects: it just copies the font and text effects used in the button
- Paste style: you can quickly paste styles from a button to another one. Select the button you would like to edit and click the Paste Style button.
- Align Left: the button is aligned with the left. If there is more than one button placed side by side, the command is applied to the whole set.
- Align Center: the button is aligned vertically with the center.If there is more than one button placed side by side, the command is applied to the whole set.
- Align Right: the button is aligned with the right. If there is more than one button placed side by side, the command is applied to the whole set.
- Save button: it saves the selected button in the buttons library in order to reuse it when needed.
- Delete button: it deletes the selected button.
See also
Text tools panel
Image tools panel
Social set toolbox
Cell tools panel
Block tools panel
Edit link