We have written this document to help you understand our privacy policies. To make that as easy as possible, we use clear language and a simple structure.
As the General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679) comes into force, we are making a number of improvements to the use of Delivery Tech. Although many of these rules apply only to users in the European Union (EU), the changes will affect all users.
We will provide you with all the information you need to use the services provided by Delivery Tech. You will learn in this document what data we collect, for what reason, for how long and where we store that information. Our goal is to explain, simply, way how to update, manage, export and delete your data.
We manage your data, and we help you to manage it yourself. We recognize that protecting your information and giving you control over it is a great responsibility.
As expressly required by the GDPR, when you use our services you can exercise your rights at any time and in total transparency. We invite you to read carefully the following instructions and to pay close attention to those areas of greatest interest to you.